Stay and Play
We offer the opportunity for parents/carers to attend sessions. This gives the chance for you as parents/carers to see how your child(ren) is progressing by providing the opportunity to have a one-to-one conversation with your child’s Key worker and see how your child manages his or her morning routine.
We post a half termly timetable on the wall or notice board in the foyer for you to complete if you choose to stay. Please pick a date which is suitable to you. We welcome not just Mums and Dads but also Aunties, Uncles and Grandparents too. However, you must be above 18-years old.
Can I be of help?
Yes definitely, you can be as involved as much as you like. You may be able to share a skill or particular talent or just be those all important extra pair of eyes and hands by:
* Assisting with helping the children to draw and paint
* Playing games with the children
* Listening to chatter
* Sitting at the activity tables
* Having fun
Suggestions for your personal protection
Keep personal possessions out of reach. They can be mistaken for dressing-up props. There should be spare pegs where the children hang their coats, so please use the top pegs. For personal items these can be locked away in the storage cupboard for safety and peace of mind.
If you need to have your mobile phone with you we ask that it be placed with the staff phones during the session and not on your person.
Please do not interrupt the children`s play or take over with your ideas. Encourage them to take interest in what they are doing, but always be mindful of their health and safety.
Sometimes your child may ‘play up’ for the first few times their parent stays, please do not be worried about this. Simply give your child the attention they need. Your child will soon get involved with the other children and forget you are there.
Helpful Tips
* Always come suitably dressed and remember we use paint, glue and clay*
* Please remember no one will expect you to know what to do without being told. Please just simply mix in and have fun with the children*
* As members of staff we have all been there, so if you are unsure of anything – please ask*
* You are most welcome to bring your younger children with you when you do your Stay and Play, however, they remain your responsibility*
* We welcome childminders but would advise that you seek permission from the child’s parents/carers, stating that they are happy for you to visit. All child minded children will be the responsibility of the child minder at all times*
* If painting or drawing with the children, please could you make sure all the children’s work is named, in the top left hand corner (if unsure of the spelling please ask a member of staff)*
* Only take your own child(ren) to the toilet, other children will be assisted by members of staff if need be*
* Above all have fun, enjoy the experience*
Please never be afraid to approach or ask a member of staff.
If you have anything you feel you can offer of value then please do so, the children love visits from anyone who can play a musical instrument or do anything creative.