
We provide a whole range of activities that are not only fun and enjoyable for the children but are designed to guide the children through the seven areas of learning and development that make up the early years curriculum.

Each child has a learning journal which documents and supports the child’s journey towards the goals laid out in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework.

We provide the following activity areas every day:

Book Corner: a quiet place to snuggle up with cuddly toys to look at books and be read stories
Home Corner: an area set up with a kitchen and shop to allow the children to explore role play. The kitchen is equipped with real crockery and utensils. There is a plentiful supply of play-doh and a dressing up box
IT Corner: the children have access to a laptop, tablet computers, a camera, cd player and other office equipment
Craft Corner: the children have free access to mark making & craft equipment and junk box modelling

In addition to the above permanent activities we also provide a range of other activities that change on a daily basis. These can include:-
* jigsaws, puzzles, games
* lego/duplo, building blocks, engineering kits
* doll’s houses, dolls with baby equipment, hairdressing dolls
* puppets, musical instruments
* trains and cars with tracks and roads
* balance beams
* water play
* craft led activities, numeracy and literacy practice

There are also group led activities such as dancing, singing, parachute, games and story time. During the year there are special event days and educational visits – please see specific web pages which give a flavour of what can be on offer.

World Book Day

Like schools and libraries across the country each year Playgroup celebrates World Book Day. Staff and children alike are encouraged to dress up as their favourite book characters. It is a fun occasion for the children who bring their favourite characters to life through role play and story telling. We’ve had Olaf, The Cat in the Hat, The Gruffalo, Alice, Harry and the Dinosaurs, Pirates, Tin-tin, lots of princesses as well as many other characters join us in session. At the end of the session each child is given a special World Book Day book token.

Date of next World Book Day: Thursday 7th March 2024 


Easter is a very light hearted time in Playgroup. We teach that this is a time to remember Jesus who is a special person who died to save the earth on which we live today. To mark this occasion we think of lambs and chicks being born. We also talk about why we give chocolate Easter Eggs to our friends and loved ones.

On the last day of Spring Term we hold an Easter Hat Parade. Parents, family and friends are invited into group to watch the parade. The children show off their wonderfully designed hats and sing songs for the audience. Such events are important in developing further the children’s confidence. At the end of the parade the children receive a special gift from Playgroup.

Sports Day and Picnic 

Each year to celebrate the end of the academic year we hold a Sports Day and Teddy Bear’s Picnic. It is held on the last day of the Summer Term and we invite the children’s families and friends to join in this celebration with us. It also provides us with the ideal opportunity to thank everyone who has made our Playgroup so special over the past year.

The Sports Day takes place on the large grassy field behind the centre. The children take part in running and obstacle races, with lots of encouragement from the on-lookers. There is even the opportunity for Mums and Dads to take part! Every child receives a medal and certificate for taking part.

After the races we have the Teddy Bear’s Picnic. If the weather is good this takes place on the field, otherwise indoors. The children bring their favourite teddies to the event and we provide the children with a picnic lunch.

Christmas Party 

Christmas is a special time at Playgroup and we celebrate the end of the Autumn term by inviting parents, carers and family members to our Christmas Party/Nativity. The children, many in costume, perform festive songs and individually wish everyone a Happy Christmas.

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