
The Playgroup is a Committee Group with charitable status (No. 803323) and is owned and run the parents/carers of the children within it. The Management Committee are elected at our AGM and ensures Playgroup runs smoothly, operates and remains compliant within the legal and regulatory parameters and agrees all Fees and Payroll. In addition to the Management Committee, we have other elected Committee Members that operate as a Fundraising Committee. Together they dedicate their time to raising money for The Village Playgroup; the more successful we become and the more we can provide for the children.

Management Committee 2023/24
Chairperson – Gemma-Jayne Godfray
Secretary – Bernidette Geldart
Treasurer – Sara Rice

Fundraising Committee 2023/24
Kerri Deboo
Hannah Brightman
Lisa Mugerwa
Polly Kendle
Alison Fearon

How you can help us….
Donate unwanted gifts for prizes, tombolas etc
Volunteer your time to help run events
Buy books, plants etc from our fundraising initiatives
Save unwanted clothes for our Bags2School collections
Bake cakes for our fundraising events
Sell at our Nearly New Sales
Support our fundraising events by attending
Collect supermarket children’s vouchers
Join our Committee!

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