Privacy Statement 

You might be aware that the data protection laws have changed. The previous data protection laws were set out in the Data Protection Act 1998. This has been replaced by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into effect on 25 May 2018. The GDPR introduces a wide range of changes to ensure that organisations and businesses which hold your personal data provide high standards of data protection and transparency about their use of that personal data.

This Privacy Statement sets out how The Village Playgroup complies with these new regulations, uses and protects any information that you give The Village Playgroup whilst your child(ren) attends Playgroup and to help you understand how your personal information will be treated.

The Village Playgroup may ask you to provide certain information which you or your child can be identified. This information allows us to provide you and/or child the best service we can provide, as well as, allowing us to organise events, trips or promotions. The Village Playgroup is committed to ensuring that you and your child’s privacy are protected and remains confidential at all times. Any information given to The Village Playgroup will only be used in accordance with this Privacy Statement.

Who we are

We are The Village Playgroup. We are a small self-funded charity (803323) that provides Early Years education at foundation level for children 2 years six months to rising fives. Alongside this group we also provide Parent and Toddler sessions for children aged from birth to pre-school age. Our term time only sessions take place every weekday morning at The Village Centre in Werrington. We pride ourselves on having good relationships and close links with all local primary schools in the area.

What we collect

We collect the following information:

• Child’s initial registration form
• Personal Information(e.g. child’s name and address)
• Characteristics (e.g. ethnicity and all languages spoken)
• Attendance information (e.g. session attended, number of absences and absence reasons)
• Relevant medication/dietary/allergy information
• Special Educational Needs information
• Personal information about child’s parents and or relatives (e.g. name, contact
details, relationship to child, or in the case of a staff member someone to contact in
case of accident/illness. Parental responsibility and legal contact
• Details of any external agencies working with the family/child (e.g. health, speech and
language or social services)
• Parent communication systems including emails addresses and mobile phone numbers
• Event sellers/stall holders details (e.g. contact numbers and email addresses and in
some cases business addresses)
• Staff personal details (e.g. name and address and own contact number, name and number
of person to contact in an emergency, name of dependents, medication details, health
history and previous employment details)

What is the basis for collecting personal data?

The information collected will be used for the sole purpose of your child’s wellbeing whilst at The Village Playgroup:

• To support learning
• To provide appropriate pastoral care
• To monitor and report on progress
• To comply with the law regarding data sharing
• To share data for statutory inspections and audit purposes
• To communicate with priority contacts
• To ensure the efficient running of fundraising events
• To provide essential information to appropriate third parties (e.g. health teams,
speech and language therapists or social services)

Controlling your personal information

All personal data will be held safe and securely and will not be sold, distributed or leased to any third parties without further permissions being sought by yourselves. Whilst the majority of the information you provide to us is mandatory, some of it is provided on a voluntary basis. In order to comply with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) we will inform you whether you are required to provide certain information to us or if you have a choice.

In order to comply with regulations, The Village Playgroup may change these statements by updating this Privacy Statement. You should periodically check this Privacy Statement to ensure that you are happy with any changes that may have occurred.

Our Parent Registration Pack contains criteria where Parent’s may be required to give consent. At any time you have the right to review your personal preferences and permissions. If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement or any of our practices and procedures, or your dealings with us, you may contact the Pre-School Manger.

Storing Personal Data

We hold personal data for varying lengths of time depending on what the information is. Please refer to our Record Keeping Policies:

• Admissions and Registration
• Confidentiality and Record Keeping
• Curriculum
• Fees and Funding
• Transitions and Information Sharing
• Whistle Blowing.

Who we may need to share personal data with

• Our local authority (Peterborough City Council)
• (DfE) Department for Education (for funding purposes)
• Educational Psychologists
• Speech and language therapists
• Settings or Schools that children transition
• References for staff
• Settings where a child attends an additional setting to ours

Why we share personal data

We do not share personal data with anyone without prior consent unless the law and our policies allow us to do so.

We share personal data with the DfE on a statutory basis for learning and development requirements by legal force by order3 made under section 39(1)(a) of the Child Care Act 2006, and the safeguarding and welfare requirements by legal force by regulations4 made under section 39(1)(b) of the Childcare Act 2006. Our Registered Body Ofsted, Unique Reference Number 260895, also requires personal information of the members of all staff and committee members currently active. We also share relevant information with our local early years pedagogical support team and early year’s childhood specialists, for the following purposes:

• Pre-schools aims/objectives and improvements
• Tracking children’s progress and cohorts
• Ensuring the best possible outcomes for all children that attend the setting

Requesting access to personal data

Under data protection legislation staff and parents have the right to request access to information about them or their child/ren at any time. To do so, please speak to either your Child’s key worker or the Pre-school Manager or Deputy in their absence.

You also have the right to:

• Object to processing personal data that is likely to cause or is causing damage or distress
• Prevent processing for the purpose of direct marketing
• Object to decisions being taken by automated means
• In certain circumstances, have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed
• Claim compensation for damages caused by breach of the data protection regulation

If you have any concerns about the way we are collecting or using personal data, we request that you raise your concerns with the Pre-school in the first instance. Alternatively, you can contact the information commissioner’s office at


If you would like to discuss anything in this privacy statement please contact the Pre-school Manager. The data protection officer can be contacted on [email protected].

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