
As The Village Playgroup is a Committee run charity we are constantly fundraising to ensure that toys, equipment and resources are replaced and updated. Our main fundraising events during the year are our Disco/Bingo nights, Christmas Fair, Nearly New Sales and the Werrington Scout and Guide Carnival, but we also as run range of other initiatives both on-line and in person.

Please follow our Facebook page to keep up to date with all our events

Nearly New Sales 

Our Nearly New Sales are a wonderful opportunity for people to sell their unwanted children’s toys, equipment, books, clothes, games etc while buyers at our sales can pick up real bargains.

Date of Next Sale: Saturday 12th October 2024
Sellers required: To sell your unwanted children’s items pre-registration is required. Please contact Maria for further information or to register. Email: [email protected] Phone: 07740 401503
Sellers receive 70% of their sales for a £2.50 registration fee
For more information visit our dedicated NNS website at


We participate in the annual Werrington Scout and Guide Carnival. This is a hugely popular local event which involves a carnival procession through Werrington village. The procession ends on the playing fields of Werrington Primary School where there is entertainment, refreshments, charity stalls, games for the children and fairground rides.

Each year we chose a theme for our procession in the carnival which reflects something that the children have been involved with in the past year. The children take part in making their own costumes by helping to make for example their masks or items to carry. Our procession has been very successful over the years and we have regularly won the “best non-uniformed walking tableau” section of the carnival competition. We won in 2022 with a Royal Jubilee, 2018 with a “Lego” theme and then also in 2017 with our own “Marching Band” and in 2016 with “Mr Men and Little Misses”, while in 2015 we were runners up with “A Mini Beast Safari” which was inspired by our Bug Hunt at Ferry Meadows. In 2014 we won with “How does your garden grow?” which reflected our newly refurbished natural play area where the children have been watching the seeds they planted grow.

In addition to the procession we also run a tombola stall on the playing field.

Date of next Carnival: Saturday 21st June 2025

Disco/ Bingo 

Our Disco/Bingo evenings are a wonderful way in which our children (both past and present), their families and staff can socialise together while raising funds for Playgroup. The evening involves children friendly music and games interspersed with games of bingo for the adults. There are always an excellent selection of prizes to be won. You are welcome to bring your own food and drink; many families make use of the local fish’n’chip shop! Alcohol is permitted during the evening. [Photo by Fidel Fernando on Unsplash]

Price: The evening costs £5 per family, which includes a bingo ticket for the first game. Tickets can be purchased from Playgroup or on the evening. Bingo tickets cost 50p.
When: 5 pm to 7.30 pm
Where: The Village Centre, Werrington
Dates of next Disco Bingo: tbc

Christmas Fair 

Our Christmas Fairs is one of the most important events on our fundraising calendar. It is extremely popular, not only with our children’s families, but the whole Werrington community. There are always plenty of children’s games, crafts and activities as well as our famous tombola stall and refreshments area which sells wonderful home-made cakes. We also invite a number of private stall holders who sell seasonal crafts and gifts.

At our Christmas Fair we also invite Father Christmas to join us. The children delight in meeting him in his grotto and each receives a special gift from him.

Venue: The Village Centre, Werrington
Time: 1:30pm – 4pm
Entrance Fee: 50p per adult, children free
Date of next Christmas Fair: 7th December 2024

Other Schemes 


Twice a year (usually in November and March) we organise a ‘Bag2School’ collection of old and unwanted clothes, shoes, handbags, belts and soft toys. ‘Bag2School’ collect these from us and then sell them to export markets worldwide where they are sorted and then sold to the general public. Currently we receive 50p per kilo of textiles we collect. The more we collect the more money we raise – so start saving those textiles now!

As its name suggests this is a very easy way of raising funds for Playgroup if you shop on-line. Over 2700 top retailers, such as M&S, Tesco, John Lewis, are registered so that every time you make an on-line purchase from them they donate a small percentage (up to 5%) of the purchase price to Playgroup. Simply visit and click ‘Support a Good Cause’ to get started.

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