
To benefit both the Playgroup and the Parents, the Committee and the Staff a set of policies have been compiled which aim to provide support, guidance and protection to all involved. These policies are subject to changes in laws, so are updated on a regular basis. Therefore, it is important that you read them regular to familiarise yourself with them and to keep up-to-date.

A folder is available on the Parents’ information table in the foyer, should you require further information, please do not hesitate to ask.

Policies already adopted include:

1. Child Protection:
* Safeguarding and Prevent
* Safeguarding & Prevent – COVID-19 Addendum Sept’20
* Arrivals and Departures covering non-collection of a child
* Prevention and Dealing with a Lost Child
* Social Media, Smart Devices eg, mobile phones, tablets and photographic images
* Privacy Statement

2. Suitable People:
* Staff and Volunteers Induction
* Student Placement
* Immigration and Asylum
* Allegations against Staff
* Parent Involvement
* Stay and Play

3. Health:
* Food Safety and Food Hygiene
* Health and Safety
* Managing Allergies, Illness, Medication and First Aid
* Sun Protection

4. Safety and Suitability of Premises, Environment and Equipment:
* Outdoor Play
* Outings, Trips and Visits
* Risk Assessment/ COVID-19 Risk Assessment
* Visiting Animals
* Equipment and Resources
* Lock Down and Evacuation
* Severe Weather

5. Equal Opportunities:
* Behaviour includes Bullying
* Special Educational Needs (SEN)
* Equal Opportunities
* Settling In and Attendance

6. Record Keeping:
* Admissions and Registration
* Complaints
* Confidentiality and Record Keeping
* Curriculum
* Fees and Funding
* Mission Statement
* Transition and Information Sharing
* Whistle Blowing

7. Guidance Notes and Staff:
* Disciplinary and Grievance for Playgroup Employees
* First Aid, Accident and Incident Reporting
* Fit Person’s Health Questionnaire

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